Thursday 14 September 2017

Thursday, Foils, Kites and Big Board Sailing

Clockwise from the front left ....
Ted, Cam, Eddy, Kent, Rene, Al,
Gerry, Harold, Blaine, Ross, Handre, Brad, Mike and Jim! 
We seem to have run out of wind for the trip.  The forecast for today was light westerlies, with no more wind until Sunday.  Everyone is talking about packing up and leaving tomorrow, except for Mike, who is meeting his wife on Sunday to do some site seeing, and Ross, who has a flight home booked on Sunday.
Eddy rigged his chair and a book!
No one was in a particular rush.  We met at Dog River Coffee and then went to Bette's for breakfast.  As is was the last morning for most of us, even Ross decided to join us.
Foiling Gear all over the beach!
We met down at the Event Site to either watch or do some foiling.  It looked like it might be windy up at Swell City, so Gerry, Blaine, Brad, Al, Jim and Harold headed over to check it out.  Al went out on his 6.5m Sail and had a good session, but the others came back to the event site.
Jim from Sailworks, has been so helpful with getting into Foiling!
Cam, Ross and Eddy went over to the White Salmon Bridge to do some kiting, but it was very light, and only Ross actually made it onto the water.  He said he had  a fair kite for about an hour on his 11m kite but ended up spending most of it rescuing a board for another kiter.
Kent had an amazing day of Foiling with 4 hours or so on the water!
Kent was already foiling when I arrived a the Event Site.  The wind was light so I sat and watched for a bit before rigging.  I timed it - it takes about 45 minutes to rig my big board with the foil and get the sail ready - then haul the whole mess down to the water.  That is a lot longer than it takes to rig a windsurf rig.  Rene rigged at the same time as I did, and we both got out at about the same time.  We had a good session.  Both of us got our boards up onto the foils.  It is a strange sensation being above the water with no noise.  I was definitely more controlled than the day before. 
Blaine, getting some help caring the gear down to the beach!
Blaine - heading out!
After about an hour, the wind dropped off, so we returned to the beach.

We all sat around for a while, ate lunch, and waited for the wind to come back up.  I went back to the condo to pack up for the trip home and re-organize my van so I could load my bike for the trip home.

Handre and Jim headed off to have a grudge Tennis Match.  Apparently fitness and quick reflexes dominated in the end over strategy and raw skill.  South Africa  took the championship with a resounding win over Canada.  Ross and Cam went to watch and said it was fun to watch, although some of the language became a little colourful.....

Canada - looking mean!  Look at the concentration!
Apparently, he didn't move from that spot.
South African power and speed, won the day!

The Gallery - watching Blaine sail!
When I got back to the Sailing site, the wind had picked up a bit.  Jim, Blaine, and Cam all had their turns on a foil (courtesy of Sailworks), and all had some success getting the board out of the water.  Kent was out again and had a long session.  He was joined by Jim from Sailworks.  It was fun watching them race back and forth with no noise and no wake - just floating above the surface.
Ted's new Wake Foil Board - for Foiling behind a boat!
It will also work as a directional Kitesurf Board!
(it was a really good deal......Sorry Lou - forgot to tell you...)
Mike - keeping busy while waiting for wind!
Mike went out on his 12m kite and big board at the end of the day and had a good session for about an hour.
Mike on his 12m Kite
It was getting dark by the time we were all off the water and de-rigged.

Jim, Cam, Ross and Handre, went to Three Rivers Grill for supper.  They said it was excellent!  The rest of us went to Pelinti Pizza.  The salads were great and you got to watch the pizza dough being stretched and the pizza's being made.  It was reasonably priced too....

Everyone headed back to their condo's to pack.  Early to bed, as most are leaving around 6am so they can do the trip in a single day.

Safe Travels to everyone!

Kent's Truck. 
That bikini thing hanging on the aerial belongs to Rene
- a little disturbing....
Cam and Gerry both had good sessions on the foils.
Jim sent Cam out on the Foil, so that Cam could de-rig Jim's gear!
Kent definitely had the most time on the water!
Jim had fun Foiling!
Brad - feeling good after taking some medicine for his knee!
Sunset through the smoke and trees!
Fire, Smoke, and Sunset!

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